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Billy The Kid, Outlaw and Bank Robber of The Wild West.

11 Aug

Lincoln, New Mexico where Billy The Kid’s great escape happened. Enjoy the slide show!

A Trip To Oatman, Arizona

20 Feb

Oatman is a town in the Black Mountains of  Arizona, named after Olive Oatman.  In 1863, a prospector by the name of Johnny Moss discovered gold in the Black Mountains and staked several claims but in 1921, a fire burned down much of the town, except for the Oatman Hotel, now the  oldest standing building.  On a recent drive  on Route 66 we decided to visit Oatman and to our amazement we found that one of the most  famous attractions are its wild burros, which freely roam the town streets.

If you ever have a chance to cruise Route 66, don’t forget to stop in Oatman to pet the Burros!1